
Term Dates


Term 1: Tuesday 28th January to Friday 4th April

Term 2: Tuesday 22nd April to Friday 4th July

Term 3: Monday 21st July to Friday 19th September

Term 4: Monday 6th October to Friday 19th December




Term 1: Tuesday 27th to Thursday 2nd April

Term 2: Monday 20th April to Friday 26th June

Term 3: Monday 13th July to Friday 18th September

Term 4: Monday 5th October to Friday 18th December



* The first day of Term 1 is a student-free day in all government schools to allow for appropriate planning to take place for the arrival of students. Each year government schools are provided with six student-free days for professional development, school planning and administration, curriculum development, and student assessment and reporting purposes. The remaining five student-free days are determined by each individual school.

Student Free Days | 2025

Each year government schools are provided with six student-free days for professional development, school planning and administration, curriculum development, and student assessment and reporting purposes.

Day 1: Tuesday 28th January
Day 2: Friday 21st February
Day 3: TBA
Day 4: TBA
Day 5: TBA


Malvern Central School has a proud tradition of strong Parent, Carer and Community engagement. MCS works hard to role model student, parent and community collaboration both in and out of the classroom, and often encompasses both at the same time!  Parents and Carers are welcomed in any number of ways at MCS – as in class helpers, on excursions, as members of Council and Parents’ Club, and as fundraisers, advisors and contributors.

Parents’ Club

At Malvern Central School we have a strong history of parent involvement with the wider school community. This creates a strong school community of students, staff, parents, carers and families.

The Parents’ Club organises fund raising and social events for students, parents and families. In addition we support school programs and act as a forum for parents and families. All parents are welcomed and encouraged to join our meetings and become involved in activities during the school year.

Our objectives are to:

  • Build a supportive school community that incorporates students, staff and families.
  • Undertake fundraising activities that provide additional financial support to the school’s educational programs and help foster an optimal learning environment.
  • Act as a forum to raise parent/ family feedback and suggestions.

Being involved in the Parents’ Club provides a fun and rewarding way to make friends, get involved with the wider school community and to really make a difference while getting to know other families, teachers and staff.


The Parents’ Club is made up of volunteers from the families of our students. All parents and carers are part of the Parents’ Club and we encourage all to participate in meetings or activities as it suits them throughout the year.

The Parents’ Club has a core committee group who oversee the implementation of the Parents’ Club events and activities and who attend all meetings. There are six key roles that form the Committee and these are listed below. The committee is renewed every two years and committee roles are open to all parent/ carer volunteers at the first meeting of the Parents’ Club in February (on a biannual basis).

Your 2025 Parents’ Club Committee Members:

Katie M

Shae Webster

Katie M


Anna Karanakas

Class Representative Coordinators


Fundraising & Social Events Co-ordinator

Communications & Newsletter sub-committee member


The MCS-PC helps facilitate communication to the school community by:

  • Establishing the MCS Year Level Contact List – Every year the MCS-PC coordinates a School Contact List which provides a directory of the families in your class and year level. Forms are distributed at the start of the school year. Participation is voluntary.
  • Contributing to the fortnightly school newsletter – MSC-PC has a newsletter page to provide you with information about what we are planning, how things have progressed and what events are coming up during the year.
  • Establishing Class Representatives – All classes at MCS have parent/ carer Class Representatives (Class Reps) to provide a point of communication between parents in each class and the Classroom Teacher or MSC-PC. Class Reps are volunteers from the parent/ carer community and usually there is one Class Rep per class. In addition to assisting with communication, Class Reps also organise a couple of social “get togethers” for parents each term.
All parents are welcomed and encouraged to attend and contribute ideas and opinions to the Parents’ Club meetings. We meet monthly during school terms. Meeting dates and venue are published in the fortnightly school newsletter. Attending the meetings helps to keep you informed and is also an opportunity to provide feedback and participate in upcoming activities.

2024 School Council

School Councils play a key role in Victorian government schools, and being a member of council is a rewarding and challenging experience. Acting as a team, council supports the principal to provide the best possible educational outcomes for students.  The Malvern Central School Council contributes to the broad direction and vision of the school; participates in the development and monitoring of the school strategic plan; approves the annual budget and monitors expenditure; develops, reviews and updates school policies; helps to raise funds for school-related purposes; and helps maintain the school grounds and buildings.

Our School Council meets twice per term and comprises 8 parents, 2 community members, 4 staff and the Principal as Executive Officer who together:

Our Current Membership:

President: Andrew Perks
Vice President:

Bronwen Bock

Kadambari Chavda

Esh Ediriweera

Jennifer Gaskin

Nusrat Haq

David Hunter

Approved a Co-opted Position:


DET Membership:

Imogen Lippiatt (Executive Officer)
Grant Durham
Catherine Segrave

Roles & Responsibilities

  • establish the broad direction and vision for the school
  • develop, review and update the policies of the school including student engagement and dress code
  • raise funds for school related purposes
  • regulate and facilitate the after-hours use of our school
  • exercise general oversight of the buildings and grounds ensuring they are kept in good order and condition
  • ensure all money coming into the hands of the council is properly expended
  • ensure they take account of the views expressed by the school community for the purpose of making decisions in the best interests of the school and our students
  • ensure the annual report and school’s strategic plan is published and available to the school community
  • stimulate interest in the school in the wider community.

The School Council configuration for the purpose of fulfilling our Constituting Order of 15 members is : 8 Parent Category members, 5 DET Category members, 2 Community member (1 co-opted Parents’ Club representative).

Term 1                            Term 2
21st February                    
 Future Dates TBC          

School Council meetings are convened on the last Wednesday from 7:00pm – 8.30pm of each month except when it falls during a term break. Parents and carers are welcome to attend meetings as observers, unless a meeting has been declared closed by the Council

We encourage parents/carers to become members of School Council and its sub-committees. By attending these meetings, parents/carers can actively participate in continuing growth and strength of Malvern Central School.

I would like to thank the parent members of our school community who have nominated to be on School Council. This is a commitment to not only their own child/ren but to all students enrolled at MCS.



As with Council meetings, parents and carers are welcome to attend sub-committee meetings.

The Sub-Committees of School Council are:

Finance Convener: Nusrat Haq

Imogen Lippiatt, Sonali Stella, Andrew Perks, Belinda Hill

Buildings and Grounds Convener: Grant Durham

Jane Frechville (Facilities), Kadambari Chavda, David Hunter, Esh Ediriweera

Education/Policy/Sustainability Convener:

Amanda Oliver, Amy Cunningham, Bronwen Bok, Jennifer Gaskin, Esh Ediriweera.

The Finance & Administration Sub-Committee has the role of:

  • Supporting the Principal and Business Manager in the financial management of the school, to maximize benefits to current and future students
  • Reviewing the monthly receipts, payments, bank statements, program budget reports and other financial reports
  • Planning the budget for subsequent year – making recommendations to School Council
  • Providing input into the development of school strategic goals
  • Ensuring our resources are targeted at meeting the goals of the Strategic Plan
  • Ensuring funding and resources are allocated towards school maintenance and capital development projects
  • Review of Policy & Procedures as necessary
  • To advise School Council as appropriate

The committee consists of The Principal, Assistant Principal, Business Manager, School Council members and interested parents. New members are welcome – financial expertise is handy but not a requirement.

The Buildings and Grounds Sub-Committee has responsibility:

  • To assist the Principal Class in strategic planning for the development and improvement of the
    school buildings and grounds.
  • To support the school Administration in the management of school facilities.
  • To seek, evaluate and oversee submissions by staff, students and parents regarding facility and
    amenity of the buildings and grounds.
  • To formulate and maintain an Annual Action Plan of priorities for the development of projects.
  • For co-ordination of Working Bee/Project Groups as required.
  • To Conduct annual self-evaluation of performance and effectiveness of the B&G Sub-Committee
  • To maintain a relationship with Finance committee to establish funding parameters.
  • To present minutes of all meetings to School Council.

The committee consists of the mixture of enthusiastic MCS staff and community members. New members are most definitely welcome – technical and trade skills and prior expertise are always welcome but not a requirement.


The Policy and Education Sub Committee has the role of:

  • Providing input into the connections between the school’s strategic goals and the school’s curriculum and programs
  • The plan, implement and action school policy and procedure development and review.
  • Parent education opportunities and needs

Student Uniform

The PSW store is open from 9am to 5pm Tuesday to Friday, and 10am to 1pm on Saturday, including the school holidays (with extended hours to include Mondays from November) and is located at 1/596 North Road, Ormond. Uniform items ordered via PSW’s online ordering portal will be dispatched the next business day, following receipt of the order.

** Store trading hours are subject to change, please
refer to for all store trading hours,
holiday trading and public holiday information, or
call the customer service team on (03) 9768 0333.
* School Price Lists are subject to change throughout
the year.

*We no longer have an onsite uniform shop.

The Second Hand Uniform Shop is now located in the portable classrooom next to the oval at the Park St campus and will be open on the following days.


Term 2:

Tuesday 23rd April 8.30-9am

Friday 3rd May 8.30-9.00am

Wednesday 15th May 3,15-3.45pm

Tuesday 28th May 8.30-9.00am

Friday 14th June 8.30-9.00am

Wednesday 26th June 3.15-3.45pm



The accompanying storyboard reflect the line item changes, show both the new lines and the respective groupings in the school for which certain items apply ie whole school, Foundation to Year 4 and Year 5 – 6.

Click here for PSW Online Shop


Out of School Care

Extra-Curricular Activities

Malvern Central School offer a wide variety of extra-curricular activities scheduled before and after school by external providers. Please follow the contact details below or contact the school reception for information.


Malvern Central Netball Club – NetSetGo and competition

Contact: Mardi Mcqueen




Football Star Academy

Contact: Tim Rickman



Tennis Australia

Contact: Daniel Byrnes   0422 411 895



Fit for Kids

Contact: 0421 172 369




Music Melodies

Red Notes

Contact: (03) 9557 9244 – Michael Redman (Red Notes Musical Services)



Coding Classes

Code Camp Australia


Ph: 1300 263 322


Working with Children Check

The success of many activities for Malvern Central School including the Classroom Helpers program, excursions and school camps, depends on the assistance of volunteer parents and carers. The WWC Check screens the criminal records and the professional conduct of people who work with children, either on a paid or voluntary basis. In line with the Act, the School requires:

  1. All persons who wish to volunteer their time and be in contact with students including oral, written or electronic communication as well as face-to-face and physical contact to apply for and obtain a valid WWC Check. Eg. Online tutoring or online counselling
  2. That if a volunteer’s occupation exempts them from the requirement to also have a WWC Check e.g. police officers, teachers, they must provide evidence to support their claim to an exemption.
  3. The Principal may, at her discretion, request contractors and visitors to the School to have a valid WWC Check. A register of all contractors and visitors is maintained in the Administration Office
  4. If a person’s contact with children as part of their child-related work is supervised by another person, they will still need to apply for a Working with Children Check (Check).

For more information please visit the website below or view the policy which you will find in the Policy section of our website.

Working With Children Check: